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18.2.2016 / News JENZ offers possibility to regulate the quality of woodchip
The requirements on woodchip quality are just as different as their consumers. This means that suppliers should also ask themselves: What level of quality is my customer demanding? How will I achieve this? And how can I determine whether the woodchippings I deliver are actually any good? You can only say whether woodchippings are good or bad with respect to their subsequent intended purpose.
JENZ has recognised this problem and has now been offering hydraulic blowers with variable speed in addition to extremely flexible conveyor belts from 2014 onwards. Further optimisations were presented at the Agritechnica 2015. They included a new blower propeller and a new delivery pipe which have a positive effect on the quality of the woodchippings.
In other words, woodchipping suppliers can turn several knobs to influence the quality. The thing is – who tells you which one is required? It should be the consumers. You should work together with the customers to specify the required fuel properties as precisely as possible. The more precise the specifications, the better we can adjust our machines to suit them.
© 2015 Karlow Karlshof a.s.
Professional biomass processing machines