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26.4.2021 / News Karlow-Karlshof a.s. has become the exclusive importer of TREFFLER precision agricultural machinery to the Czech Republic
TREFFLER has chosen Karlow-Karlshof a.s. as the exclusive importer of its agricultural machinery to the Czech Republic. These are, for example, precision tine harrows, precision cultivators, or precision spring-tooth cultivators.
Both companies are looking forward to the upcoming cooperation. They are united by a similar business philosophy based on a personal approach to the customer, competent and serious customer advice, and range of offered maschines aiming at sensitive care for nature.
TREFFLER's best-selling machine, the precision tine harrows TS1220, is already on display at the headquarters of Karlow-Karlshof a.s. in Karlov.
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Professional biomass processing machines